<description>upper = true will replace values higher than threshold by 0 and lower or equal by 255 upper = false simply does the opposite</description>
<description>This filter produces a mask showing areas that are combed. The thresholds work as for the other filters : after calculating the combing value, if this one is under thY1, the pixel is set to 0, over thY2, it is set to 255, and inbetween, it is set to the combing value divided by 256.</description>
<description>This filter produces a mask showing areas that are combed. The thresholds work as for the other filters : after calculating the combing value, if this one is under thY1, the pixel is set to 0, over thY2, it is set to 255, and inbetween, it is set to the combing value divided by 256.</description>
<description>This filter creates an edge mask of the picture. The edge-finding algorithm uses a convolution kernel, and the result of the convolution is then thresholded with thY1 and thY2 ( luma ) and thC1 and thC2 ( chroma ).</description>
<description>This filter creates an edge mask of the picture. The edge-finding algorithm uses a convolution kernel, and the result of the convolution is then thresholded with thY1 and thY2 ( luma ) and thC1 and thC2 ( chroma ).</description>
<description>This filter creates an edge mask of the picture. The edge-finding algorithm uses a convolution kernel, and the result of the convolution is then thresholded with thY1 and thY2 ( luma ) and thC1 and thC2 ( chroma ).</description>
<description>This filter creates an edge mask of the picture. The edge-finding algorithm uses a convolution kernel, and the result of the convolution is then thresholded with thY1 and thY2 ( luma ) and thC1 and thC2 ( chroma ).</description>
<description>The choice of the convolution kernel is done with matrix. The matrix must be a 3 by 3 matrix, whose coefficients are integers, separated by a single space.</description>
<description>As coefficients must be integers, divisor is used to refine the result of the convolution. This result will simply be divided by divisor. If divisor isn't defined, it is defaulted to the sum of the positive coefficient of the matrix, thus allowing a classic normalization.</description>
<description>Inflate will 'inflate' the high values in a plane, by putting in the output plane either the average of the 8 neighbours if it's higher than the original value, otherwise the original value. The opposite function is called Deflate (dedicated to Phil Katz).</description>
<description>This filter creates an edge mask of the picture. The edge-finding algorithm uses a convolution kernel, and the result of the convolution is then thresholded with thY1 and thY2 ( luma ) and thC1 and thC2 ( chroma ).</description>
<description>This filter creates an edge mask of the picture. The edge-finding algorithm uses a convolution kernel, and the result of the convolution is then thresholded with thY1 and thY2 ( luma ) and thC1 and thC2 ( chroma ).</description>
<description>This filter creates an edge mask of the picture. The edge-finding algorithm uses a convolution kernel, and the result of the convolution is then thresholded with thY1 and thY2 ( luma ) and thC1 and thC2 ( chroma ).</description>
<description>This filter creates an edge mask of the picture. The edge-finding algorithm uses a convolution kernel, and the result of the convolution is then thresholded with thY1 and thY2 ( luma ) and thC1 and thC2 ( chroma ).</description>
<description>Expand will 'expand' the high values in a plane, by putting in the output the maximum value in the 3x3 neighbourhood around the input pixel. The opposite function is called Inpand.</description>
<description>FitY2UV/FitY2U/FitY2V resizes Y plane and replace UV/U/V plane(s) by the result of the resize (you can specify your resizer filter, even one that isn't built-in AviSynth); the opposite functions are FitU2Y and FitV2Y.</description>
<description>FitPlane has the following incarnations: - luma to chroma: FitY2U, FitY2V, FitY2UV - chroma to luma: FitU2Y, FitV2Y - chroma to chroma: FitU2V, FitV2U </description>
<description>This filter creates a mask from two masks. Theorically, the first mask should be inside the second one, but it can work if it isn't true ( though results will be less interesting ). The principle of the filter is to enlarge the parts that belongs to both masks, inside the second mask.</description>
<description>Inflate will 'inflate' the high values in a plane, by putting in the output plane either the average of the 8 neighbours if it's higher than the original value, otherwise the original value. The opposite function is called Deflate (dedicated to Phil Katz).</description>
<description>Expand will 'expand' the high values in a plane, by putting in the output the maximum value in the 3x3 neighbourhood around the input pixel. The opposite function is called Inpand.</description>
<description>Logic will perform most typical logical operations (in fact, the ones provided by MMX mnemonics, though C functions are still available, mainly because of the picture dimensions limits).</description>
<description>This filter produces a new mask which is the result of a binary operation between two masks. The operation is chosen with the parameter mode. See help file for more info.</description>
<description>This filter applies the clip overlay_clip on the clip base_clip, considering the clip mask_clip. More precisely, with bc, oc and mc the values of three pixels taken respectively on base_clip, overlay_clip and mask_clip, the result will be : v = ((256 - mc) * bc + mc * oc + 128) / 256</description>
<description>This filter creates a mask of the motion of the picture. As with the other filters which create masks, once the motion is computed, it is thresholded by two thresholds.</description>
<description>Scene change detection is made by computing the sum of absolute differences of the picture and the previous one. This sum is meaned, and then compared to thSD. If it is more than thSD, a scene change is detected.</description>
<description>These filters apply a function to each pixel of the picture. In order to allow a fast computation, every possible value of the function are precomputed and stored in a Look-Up Table ( hence the name ). That makes the filters fairly fast. </description>
<description>RGBLUT works exactly the same way as YV12LUT, except that it has an additional argument AMPFile. It allows you to load a photoshop color profile. </description>
<description>This filters computes the convolution product between the picture and the kernel defined by the multiplication of horizontal by vertical. These two strings represent vectors. They must have an odd number of integer or real numbers, separated by single spaces.</description>
<description>This filters computes the convolution product between the picture and the kernel defined by the multiplication of horizontal by vertical. These two strings represent vectors. They must have an odd number of integer or real numbers, separated by single spaces.</description>
<description>If automatic is set to 'true', total is the sum of the coefficients of the matrix. It means that, that way, overall brightness of the picture isn't touched.</description>
<description>These filters apply a function to each pixel of the picture. In order to allow a fast computation, every possible value of the function are precomputed and stored in a Look-Up Table ( hence the name ). That makes the filters fairly fast. </description>
<description>These filters apply a function to each pixel of the picture. In order to allow a fast computation, every possible value of the function are precomputed and stored in a Look-Up Table ( hence the name ). That makes the filters fairly fast. </description>
<description>This filter computes the difference between the two clips. There are several ways of computing this difference, depending on the values of widerange and of tol.</description>